Jones and Woolf
*Bronze medal winner at the Australian Podcast Award and a finalist for the Google Podcasts Creator Program.* Jones & Woolf is an audio fiction anthology series pairing literary noir and sci-fi with original music. The creators — Anthony Jones and Joel Woolf — are a music + lit duo from the US and Australia. Get in touch: jonesandwoolf@gmail.com
Jones and Woolf
Never Not Once
It’s not uncommon for a child to become impatient with their age. To wish they were older. To want to be a big kid, or yearn for the freedom that we as adults often take for granted. But what does it mean when life imposes its will on a young person and they’re literally forced to grow up too fast. What happens during that process, and how does it affect everyone a community? This month a special guest and a brilliant writer, Sofia Aguilar explores these themes and many more in her story "Never Not Once". Learn more about Sofia: https://www.sofiaaguilar.com